Tempest Weather Station
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More cool and unsettled weather for the work week

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Mostly sunny skies are over the Steamboat Springs area this Sunday noon with 41 F at the Bob Adams airport and 23 F at the top of the closed-for-the-season Steamboat Ski Resort. We’ll have three chances for snow on Monday, Wednesday and Friday before temperatures warm and skies clear for most of next weekend.

Temperatures are still cool behind the complex storm system that ended up leaving 13.5” at the top of Sunshine Peak and 10” at mid-mountain by last Friday morning, even as the sun returned for this weekend. Another stretch of cool and unsettled weather begins during Monday afternoon as a cold front currently making its way through Montana blasts through our area. Similar to Thursday but to a lesser extent, we may see storm cells move through with a lightning flash or two and brief but locally moderate to heavy snowfall. The storm moves through quickly with 3-6” of snow expected at mid-mountain by the time it ends by midnight Monday.

Low temperatures will be quite cold Tuesday morning behind the front and could be around fifteen degrees below our average of 27 F. Though we should see lots of sun on Tuesday, high temperatures will struggle to recover in this Siberian air mass and will only make it to ten or so degrees below our average of 54 F.

Meanwhile, a large storm currently in the Gulf of Alaska will eject some moisture and energy that crosses the Pacific Northwest coast Monday night. Weather forecast models have some of this storm moving eastward and mixing with another push of cold air from western Canada, though it is not clear how much energy and moisture ends up over our area. Clouds and possibly some light precipitation may begin ahead of this wave early Wednesday before we may see 3-6” of accumulating snowfall at mid-mountain by midnight Wednesday as the wave moves through.

There may be another wave on Thursday that may produce additional precipitation, though that will be dependent upon the evolution and interaction of that Pacific Northwest wave with more cool air from the Canadian Plains.

Our active weather pattern continues through Friday as another Siberian chunk of cold air is forecast to move overhead. Early indications are that this storm will carry less moisture than the preceding ones with some light snowfall possible during the day Friday and Friday night.

A break in the active weather pattern is advertised to start next weekend along with significant warming that will return the springtime vibe to the Yampa Valley. While this pleasant weather is currently forecast to extend through Monday, more snow may follow for Tuesday. Stay tuned to my next regularly scheduled weather narrative on Thursday afternoon for more details on the possible Friday storm and whether a nice weekend is still in store.

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