Hot and dry week ahead

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Temperatures have cooled from the upper seventies into the low and mid-seventies as clouds and even a few raindrops overspread the Steamboat Springs area this Sunday mid-afternoon. While there may be a chance for a passing shower later Wednesday, the upcoming week is looking sunny, hot and dry with high temperatures in the mid to upper eighties.

A storm currently located in the Dakatos has dragged a weak cool front through our area this afternoon, turning our winds to be from the southwest to the west and bringing some passing showers overhead. Today looks to be the most active day through this work week and the long Labor Day weekend as a ridge of high pressure is forecast to build over the West.

There may be a chance for a passing shower later Wednesday as a piece of the storm currently in the Dakotas was left behind off the coast of California and formed an eddy. That eddy is forecast to eventually move overhead ahead of another storm currently forming in the Gulf of Alaska, but moisture is quite limited.

Otherwise, the ridge of high pressure is forecast to amplify over the West this week and suppress the plume of monsoonal moisture that has been with us for almost the entire summer well to the south. The end result will be high temperatures running as much as ten degrees above our average of 78 F along with sunny skies and clear crisp nights.

As this weather is forecast to continue through the long Labor Day weekend, there is a possibility that the daily record high for one of the days over the weekend may be broken, though the current forecast has us staying just below the 90 F record on Sunday and 91 F record on Friday, Saturday and Labor Day. The calendar says we won’t have many summery weeks left, so enjoy what should be the quintessential Colorado summer weather this week and check back to my next regularly scheduled weather narrative on Thursday afternoon to see if this forecasts persists.

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